Sql basic command 2
we work on the second sql basic command Delete the table DELETED FROM WHERE {Comparision} ORDER BY LIMIT 1; example- DELETD FROM Names Where name Like %a& ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1; Update the table UPDATE SET = value 1 WHERE {Condition}; Changed the Structure the table and add column and before and after col ALTER TABLE CHANGED [new constrains (datatype,constraits)] example - ALTER TABLE Actor ADD Region VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT "Bollywood"; example 2 ALTER TABLE Actors ADD Middlename VARCHAR(10) AFTER FirstName; exaple 3 ALTER TABLE Actors DROP Middlename; AS we discuss the AS IN Sql to used the own name in the column SELECT DOB AS "Date of Birth" From Actors; CONCAT we can merged the Fistname and Lastname SELECT CONCAT(Fistname,'',Lastname) AS Name FROM Actors; DISTICT FIND THE UNIQUE NOT REPEAT SELECT DISTINCT Score FROM student2; COUNT SELECT COUNT(*) As "No of student" From Student2 Where Maritial_Status = "Single" SUM SELECT SUM(Score) From Student;
we work on the second sql basic command
Delete the table
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